• رقم الدرس : 124
  • 00:18:32
  • Caching multiple versions of user control using VaryByControl Part 124

  • تشغيل

دروس الكورس

  1. 1- What is ASP.NET Part 1
  2. 2- Creating ASP.NET website Part 2
  3. 3- What is viewstate in asp.net - Part 3
  4. 4- Events in the life cycle of a web application Part 4
  5. 5- Difference between ViewState, SessionState and ApplicationState in asp.net Part 5
  6. 6- ASP.NET page life cycle events Part 6
  7. 7- ASP.NET Server control events Part 7
  8. 8- IsPostBack in asp.net Part 8
  9. 9- IIS Internet Information Services and ASP.NET Part 9
  10. 10- ASP.NET TextBox Control Part 10
  11. 11- ASP.NET Radio Button control Part 11
  12. 12- ASP NET CheckBox Control Part 12
  13. 13- ASP NET Hyperlink control Part 13
  14. 14- ASP.NET Button, LinkButton and ImageButton Controls Part 14
  15. 15- Command Event of an asp.net button control Part 15
  16. 16- Dropdownlist in asp.net Part 16
  17. 17- Data bind asp.net dropdownlist with data from the database Part 17
  18. 18- Binding an asp.net dropdownlist with an XML file - Part 18
  19. 19- Mapping virtual path to physical path using Server MapPath method Part 19
  20. 20- Mapping virtual path to physical path using Server MapPath method Example Part 20
  21. 21- Retrieving selected item text, value and index of an asp.net dropdownlist Part 21
  22. 22- Cascading dropdown asp.net Part 22
  23. 23- Asp.net checkboxlist control Part 23
  24. 24- Asp.net checkboxlist, select or deselect all list items Part 24
  25. 25- Asp.net ListBox control Part 25
  26. 26- Asp.net checkboxlist and listbox real time example Part 26
  27. 27- Asp.net radiobuttonlist control Part 27
  28. 28- Bulleted list in asp.net Part 28
  29. 29- List controls in asp.net Part 29
  30. 30- Fileupload control in asp.net Part 30
  31. 31- Adrotator control in asp net Part 31
  32. 32- Asp net calendar control Part 32
  33. 33- Asp.net calendar control properties and events Part 33
  34. 34- Hidden field in asp.net Part 34
  35. 35- Multiview control in asp.net Part 35
  36. 36- Wizard control in asp.net Part 36
  37. 37- Asp net Wizard control properties Part 37
  38. 38- Asp.net Wizard control events Part 38
  39. 39- UseSubmitBehavior property of the Button control Part 39
  40. 40- Asp.net wizard control templates Part 40
  41. 41- Literal control in asp.net Part 41
  42. 42- Asp.net panel control Part 42
  43. 43- Creating controls dynamically using asp.net panel control Part 43
  44. 44- RequiredField validator control in asp.net Part 44
  45. 45- Rangevalidator control in asp.net Part 45
  46. 46- CompareValidator control in asp.net Part 46
  47. 47- RegularExpressionValidator control in asp.net Part 47
  48. 48- CustomValidator control in asp.net Part 48
  49. 49- ValidationSummary control in asp.net Part 49
  50. 50- ValidationGroups in asp.net Part 50
  51. 51- Different page navigation techniques in asp.net Part 51
  52. 52- Response Redirect in asp.net Part 52
  53. 53- Server Transfer in asp.net Part 53
  54. 54- Server execute in asp.net Part 54
  55. 55- Cross page posting in asp.net Part 55
  56. 56- Cross page postback strongly typed reference Part 56
  57. 57- Opening new window using javascript in asp.net Part 57
  58. 58- Techniques to send data from one webform to another in asp.net Part 58
  59. 59- QueryString in asp.net Part 59
  60. 60- Cookies in asp.net Part 60
  61. 61- How to Check if cookies are enabled or disabled Part 61
  62. 62- Asp.net session state Part 62
  63. 63- Cookie less sessions in asp.net Part 63
  64. 64- Inporc asp.net session state mode management Part 64
  65. 65- StateServer asp.net session state mode management Part 65
  66. 66- SQLServer asp.net session state mode management Part 66
  67. 67- Asp.net Application state Part 67
  68. 68- Asp.net application state real time example Part 68
  69. 69- Exception handling in asp.net Part 69
  70. 70- Error events in asp.net Part 70
  71. 71- Custom errors in asp.net Part 71
  72. 72- Windows event viewer Part 72
  73. 73- Logging exceptions to the windows eventviewer Part 73
  74. 74- Logging exceptions as information entry type in windows eventviewer Part 74
  75. 75- Logging exceptions to database Part 75
  76. 76- Customizing asp.net exception Logging Part 76
  77. 77- Sending emails using asp.net Part 77
  78. 78- Sending emails in asp.net using SMTP server settings from web config Part 78
  79. 79- Tracing in asp.net Part 79
  80. 80- Writing custom asp.net tracing messages Part 80
  81. 81- Tracing in asp.net A real time example Part 81
  82. 82- Application pools in IIS Part 82
  83. 83- Applications isolation using application pools in IIS Part 83
  84. 84- Application pools in IIS Security Part 84
  85. 85- Anonymous authentication in asp.net Part 85
  86. 86- Anonymous authentication and asp.net impersonation Part 86
  87. 87- Windows authentication in asp.net Part 87
  88. 88- Windows authentication and authorization in asp.net Part 88
  89. 89- Windows authentication and folder level authorization Part 89
  90. 90- Forms authentication using user names list in web.config Part 90
  91. 91- Forms authentication in asp.net and user registration Part 91
  92. 92- Forms authentication against users in database table Part 92
  93. 93- Forms authentication and locking user accounts Part 93
  94. 94- Unlocking the locked user accounts Part 94
  95. 95- Implementing password reset link in asp.net Part 95
  96. 96- Implementing change password page in asp net Part 96
  97. 97- Changing password by providing current password Part 97
  98. 98- Unlocking the locked user accounts using a web page Part 98
  99. 99- Implementing Enable button to unlock user accounts Part 99
  100. 100- Secure Socket Layer in asp.net Part 100
  101. 101- Implementing SSL in asp net web application Part 101
  102. 102- Redirect http to https in iis Part 102
  103. 103- Redirect http to https in iis using custom errors Part 103
  104. 104- User controls in asp net Part 104
  105. 105- Adding using user controls on a webform Part 105
  106. 106- Raising custom events from user controls Part 106
  107. 107- Consuming user control custom events Part 107
  108. 108- Events and delegates in C# Part 108
  109. 109- Loading user controls dynamically Part 109
  110. 110- Loading controls dynamically in asp.net Part 110
  111. 111- Navigating to a specific month and an year in an asp.net calendar control Part 111
  112. 112- Asp net custom server controls Part 112
  113. 113- Adding composite custom controls to visual studio tool box Part 113
  114. 114- Adding properties to composite custom controls Part 114
  115. 115- Solving the problems of asp net composite custom calendar control Part 115
  116. 116- Adding custom events to asp net composite custom control Part 116
  117. 117- Assigning an image to the composite custom control in visual studio tool box Part 117
  118. 118- Difference between user controls and custom controls Part 118
  119. 119- Caching in asp.net Part 119
  120. 120- Caching multiple responses for a single webform Part 120
  121. 121- Controlling asp net caching in code Part 121
  122. 122- Fragment caching in asp net Part 122
  123. 123- Web form caching based on GET and POST requests Part 123
  124. 124- Caching multiple versions of user control using VaryByControl Part 124
  125. 125- Caching multiple versions of user control using VaryByParam Part 125
  126. 126- Caching application data in asp net Part 126
  127. 127- Different ways to cache application data in asp net Part 127
  128. 128- Caching in asp net AbsoluteExpiration, SlidingExpiration, and CacheItemPriority Part 128
  129. 129- Cache dependency on files in asp net Part 129
  130. 130- Reloading or refreshing cache automatically, when cached data is removed Part 130
  131. 131- Cache dependency on sql server database table Part 131
  132. 132- Reload data into cache automatically when data in the table changes Part 132
  133. 133- What is AutoEventWireup in asp.net - Part 133
  134. 134- Add image slideshow to your website using asp net ajax and c# Part 134
  135. 135- Display images in sequence in an image slideshow Part 135
  136. 136- Provide capability to start and stop image slideshow Part 136
  137. 137- Add images to slideshow using xml file Part 137
  138. 138- Add images to slideshow using database table Part 138
  139. 139- How to upload and download files using asp net and c# Part 139
  140. 140- Creating an image gallery using asp net and c# Part 140
  141. 141- Contact us page using asp net and c# Part 141
  142. 142- Contact us page using asp net and c# continued Part 142
  143. 143- Part 143 Difference between http get and http post methods
  144. 144- Part 144 How to check if the request method is a GET or a POST in MVC
  145. 145- Part 145 Implementing autocomplete textbox in asp net web forms
  146. 146- Part 146 Why use master pages in asp net
  147. 147- Part 147 Master pages in asp net
  148. 148- Part 148 Passing data from content page to master page in asp net
  149. 149- Part 149 Passing data from master page to content page in asp net
  150. 150- Part 150 Default content in contentplaceholder of a master page in asp net
  151. 151- Part 151 Assigning a master page dynamically in asp net
  152. 152- Part 152 Master page content page user control life cycle in asp net
  153. 153- Part 153 Menu control in asp net
  154. 154- Part 154 Using styles with asp net menu control
  155. 155- Part 155 Binding asp net menu control to an xml file using xmldatasource control
  156. 156- Part 156 Binding asp net menu control to database table
  157. 157- Part 157 SiteMapPath control in asp net
  158. 158- Part 158 Binding asp net menu control to web sitemap file using sitemapdatasource control
  159. 159- Part 159 TreeView control in asp net
  160. 160- Part 160 Binding asp net treeview control to an xml file using xmldatasource control
  161. 161- Part 161 Binding asp net treeview control to web sitemap file using sitemapdatasource control
  162. 162- Part 162 Binding asp net treeview control to database table
  163. 163- Part 163 Dynamically adding treenodes to treeview control in asp net
  164. 164- Part 164 Displaying organization employee chart using treeview control in asp net
  165. 165- Part 165 How to display an icon for website on browser tab
  166. 166- Captcha control in asp net
  167. 167- Using ASP NET validation controls with recaptcha
  168. 168- Customizing recaptcha control
  169. 169- Save image to database using asp net
  170. 170- Load image from database in asp net
  171. 171- How to show images from database in gridview in asp net
  172. 172- Display data from two or more database table columns in asp net dropdownlist