• رقم الدرس : 48
  • 00:19:51
  • Composite Pattern - Introduction

  • تشغيل

دروس الكورس

  1. 1- Introduction To Design Patterns
  2. 2- Strategy Pattern ! Part1 - The Problem
  3. 3- Strategy Pattern ! Part2 - Possible Suggestions?
  4. 4- Strategy Pattern ! Part3 - The Solution !
  5. 5- Review : Association vs Composition vs Aggregation
  6. 6- Strategy Pattern ! Part4 - Java implementation !
  7. 7- Do Design Patterns Depend On Programming Language ?
  8. 8- Strategy Pattern ! Part5 - C++ implementation !
  9. 9- Simple Factory - 1 - Introduction
  10. 10- Simple Factory - 2 - Introduction
  11. 11- Simple Factory - 3 - The Pizza Store
  12. 12- Simple Factory - 4 - Java implementation
  13. 13- Simple Factory - 5 - UML diagram
  14. 14- Simple Factory - 6 - Problems Of Simple Factory
  15. 15- انت بتتحداني ؟
  16. 16- Simple Factory - 7 - Multiple Different Pizza Stores
  17. 17- The Factory Method Pattern - Intro & Java implementation
  18. 18- Abstract Factory Pattern - Introduction
  19. 19- Abstract Factory Pattern - Java Implementation
  20. 20- Abstract Factory Pattern - Recap & UML
  21. 21- Builder Introduction to the builder pattern
  22. 22- Builder : Constructor Chaining in Java
  23. 23- Builder : Special Setter Methods !
  24. 24- Builder : The builder class
  25. 25- Builder : Improving the Builder Class
  26. 26- Builder : Package level visibility
  27. 27- Builder : Builder pattern vs Factory pattren
  28. 28- Decorator Pattern - Introduction
  29. 29- Decorator Pattern - Java implementation 1
  30. 30- Decorator Pattern - Java implementation 2
  31. 31- Decorator Builder
  32. 32- Adapter Pattern - Introduction
  33. 33- Adapter Pattern - Java implementation
  34. 34- Adapter Pattern - Notes
  35. 35- Class vs Object Adapter - C ++ implementation and UML
  36. 36- Adapter : Comparison between object adapter and class adapter
  37. 37- هجص مكعب 1 :: السلم
  38. 38- Facade pattern Introduction to facade
  39. 39- Facade Pattern Implementation
  40. 40- Proxy Pattern : Introduction To Proxy
  41. 41- Proxy Pattern : Caching Proxy Implementation in Java
  42. 42- Proxy Pattern : Different Types Of Proxy
  43. 43- Proxy Pattern : Implementing Protection Proxy
  44. 44- Singleton Pattern : Introduction
  45. 45- Singleton Basic implementation - eager initialization
  46. 46- Singleton Pattern Problems of eager initialization
  47. 47- Singleton Synchronization : Singleton In Multi-threaded Applications
  48. 48- Composite Pattern - Introduction
  49. 49- Composite Pattern - Implementation and Notes
  50. 50- Bridge Pattern - Introduction
  51. 51- Bridge Pattern - A Second Example
  52. 52- Bridge Pattern - Java Implementation
  53. 53- Bridge Pattern - Bridge with Adapter
  54. 54- 52 State Pattern Introduction
  55. 55- 53 State Pattern Java Implementation
  56. 56- 54 State Pattern Java Implementation II
  57. 57- 55 State Pattern Decoupling and transition table
  58. 58- Template Method Pattern Introduction
  59. 59- Template Method Pattern Java Implementation
  60. 60- Template Method Pattern Hooks
  61. 61- Template Method Pattern - Real world examples
  62. 62- Observer Pattern - Introduction
  63. 63- Observer Pattern - Java implementation I
  64. 64- Observer Pattern Java implementation II
  65. 65- Command Pattern Introduction
  66. 66- Command Pattern Java Implementation I
  67. 67- Command Pattern Implementing UNDO
  68. 68- Command Pattern Macro Command and UML
  69. 69- Visitor Pattern Introduction
  70. 70- Dancing Bubble Sort - ha - ha - ha
  71. 71- Visitor Pattern Java implementation
  72. 72- Mediator Pattern Introduction
  73. 73- Mediator Pattern Java Implementation I
  74. 74- Mediator Pattern Java Implementation II
  75. 75- Iterator Pattern Introduction
  76. 76- Iterator Pattern - Java Implementation
  77. 77- Chain of Responsibility Design Pattern - Introduction
  78. 78- Chain of Responsibility Design Pattern - Java Implementation