Go | Hitesh Choudhary

Hitesh Choudhary

Hitesh Choudhary

Website: https://hiteshchoudhary.com. Hey there everyone, Hitesh here back again with another video!. This means I create a lot of videos, every single week. I cover a wide range of subjects like programming, what's latest in tech, new frameworks, open-source products etc. I keep my interest in a wide area of tech like Javascript, Python, PHP, Machine Learning, etc.. For the Business purpose, Sponsorships and invitation, reach out at [email protected]. NOTE: Personal questions and

Course Details

  • Course Lessons57
  • Course Period10h 3m
  • No.Students1
  • LanguageEnglish
  • Prerequisite OOP
  • (1)
  • Start Now for free

Course Lessons

  1. 1 | Welcome to series on GO programming language 00:04:59
  2. 2 | Before you start with golang 00:07:53
  3. 3 | Golang installation and hello world 00:11:44
  4. 4 | GOPATH and reading go docs 00:07:10
  5. 5 | Lexer in golang and Types 00:07:28
  6. 6 | Variables, types and constants 00:17:29
  7. 7 | Comma ok syntax and packages in golang 00:11:41
  8. 8 | Conversions in golang 00:10:33
  9. 9 | Handling time in golang 00:11:44
  10. 10 | Build for windows, linux and mac 00:03:46
  11. 11 | Memory management in golang 00:05:36
  12. 12 | Pointers in golang 00:10:51
  13. 13 | Array in golang 00:06:52
  14. 14 | Slices in golang 00:14:58
  15. 15 | How to remove a value from slice based on index in golang 00:05:35
  16. 16 | Maps in golang 00:08:36
  17. 17 | Structs in golang 00:08:11
  18. 18 | If else in golang 00:08:38
  19. 19 | Switch case in golang and online playground 00:09:45
  20. 20 | Loop break continue and goto in golang 00:12:20
  21. 21 | Functions in golang 00:13:36
  22. 22 | Methods in golang 00:08:25
  23. 23 | Defer in golang 00:10:27
  24. 24 | Working with files in golang 00:12:40
  25. 25 | Handling web request in golang 00:12:12
  26. 26 | Handling URL in golang 00:13:43
  27. 27 | Creating server for golang frontend 00:09:22
  28. 28 | How to make GET request in golang 00:11:46
  29. 29 | How to make POST request with JSON data in golang 00:08:24
  30. 30 | How to send form data in golang 00:05:48
  31. 31 | How to create JSON data in golang 00:15:44
  32. 32 | How to consume JSON data in golang 00:13:42
  33. 33 | A long video on MOD in golang 00:27:16
  34. 34 | Building API in golang - Models 00:12:08
  35. 35 | Sending a API json response for all courses in golang 00:07:35
  36. 36 | Get one course based on request id in golang 00:07:36
  37. 37 | Add a course controller in golang 00:11:18
  38. 38 | Update a course controller in golang 00:09:55
  39. 39 | Delete a course controller in golang 00:05:02
  40. 40 | Handling routes and testing routes in golang 00:20:25
  41. 41 | MongoDB setup for API in golang 00:10:28
  42. 42 | Defining models for netflix in golang 00:06:40
  43. 43 | Making a connection to database in golang 00:11:33
  44. 44 | Insert data in mongodb in golang 00:11:04
  45. 45 | Update a record in mongodb in golang 00:08:07
  46. 46 | Delete one and delete many in mongodb in golang 00:09:01
  47. 47 | Get all collection in mongodb in golang 00:10:16
  48. 48 | Get all movies from DB in golang 00:05:07
  49. 49 | Mark movie as watched in golang 00:07:17
  50. 50 | Delete 1 and all movie in golang 00:04:21
  51. 51 | Creating routes and testing API in golang 00:15:12
  52. 52 | Concurrency and goroutines in golang 00:13:18
  53. 53 | Wait groups in golang 00:11:54
  54. 54 | Mutex in golang 00:05:41
  55. 55 | Race Condition in golang 00:18:46
  56. 56 | Channels and Deadlock in golang 00:18:39
  57. 57 | Math, crypto and random number in golang 00:13:18
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