• Lesson.No : 44
  • 00:08:34
  • Learn Python in Arabic #044 - Calculate Age Advanced Version and Training

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Course Lessons

  1. 1- Learn Python in Arabic #001 - Introduction And What's Python
  2. 2- Learn Python in Arabic #002 - What I Need ?
  3. 3- Learn Python in Arabic #003 - Syntax And Your First App
  4. 4- Learn Python in Arabic #004 - Comments
  5. 5- Learn Python in Arabic #005 - Dealing With Data in Python
  6. 6- Learn Python in Arabic #006 - Some Data Types Overviews
  7. 7- Learn Python in Arabic #007 - Variables Part One
  8. 8- Learn Python in Arabic #008 - Variables Part Two
  9. 9- Learn Python in Arabic #009 - Escape Sequences Characters
  10. 10- Learn Python in Arabic #010 - Concatenation And Training
  11. 11- Learn Python in Arabic #011 - Strings
  12. 12- Learn Python in Arabic #012 - Strings - Indexing And Slicing
  13. 13- Learn Python in Arabic #013 - Strings Methods Part 1
  14. 14- Learn Python in Arabic #014 - Strings Methods Part 2
  15. 15- Learn Python in Arabic #015 - Strings Methods Part 3
  16. 16- Learn Python in Arabic #016 - Strings Methods Part 4
  17. 17- Learn Python in Arabic #017 - Strings Formatting Old Way
  18. 18- Learn Python in Arabic #018 - Strings Formatting New Ways
  19. 19- Learn Python in Arabic #019 - Numbers
  20. 20- Learn Python in Arabic #020 - Arithmetic Operators
  21. 21- Learn Python in Arabic #021 - Lists
  22. 22- Learn Python in Arabic #022 - Lists Methods Part 1
  23. 23- Learn Python in Arabic #023 - Lists Methods Part 2
  24. 24- Learn Python in Arabic #024 - Tuples And Methods Part 1
  25. 25- Learn Python in Arabic #025 - Tuples And Methods Part 2
  26. 26- Learn Python in Arabic #026 - Set
  27. 27- Learn Python in Arabic #027 - Set Methods Part 1
  28. 28- Learn Python in Arabic #028 - Set Methods Part 2
  29. 29- Learn Python in Arabic #029 - Set Methods Part 3
  30. 30- Learn Python in Arabic #030 - Dictionary
  31. 31- Learn Python in Arabic #031 - Dictionary Methods Part 1
  32. 32- Learn Python in Arabic #032 - Dictionary Methods Part 2
  33. 33- Learn Python in Arabic #033 - Boolean
  34. 34- Learn Python in Arabic #034 - Boolean Operators
  35. 35- Learn Python in Arabic #035 - Assignment Operators
  36. 36- Learn Python in Arabic #036 - Comparison Operators
  37. 37- Learn Python in Arabic #037 - Type Conversion
  38. 38- Learn Python in Arabic #038 - User Input
  39. 39- Learn Python in Arabic #039 - Practical - Email Slice
  40. 40- Learn Python in Arabic #040 - Practical - Your Age Full Details
  41. 41- Learn Python in Arabic #041 - Control Flow - If, Elif, Else
  42. 42- Learn Python in Arabic #042 - Control Flow - Nested If And Training
  43. 43- Learn Python in Arabic #043 - Control Flow - Ternary Conditional Operator
  44. 44- Learn Python in Arabic #044 - Calculate Age Advanced Version and Training
  45. 45- Learn Python in Arabic #045 - Membership Operators
  46. 46- Learn Python in Arabic #046 - Practical Membership Control
  47. 47- Learn Python in Arabic #047 - Loop - While and Else
  48. 48- Learn Python in Arabic #048 - Loop - While Training's
  49. 49- Learn Python in Arabic #049 - Loop - While Training's Bookmark Manager
  50. 50- Learn Python in Arabic #050 - Loop - While Training's Password Guess
  51. 51- Learn Python in Arabic #051 - Loop For and Else
  52. 52- Learn Python in Arabic #052 - Loop For Training's
  53. 53- Learn Python in Arabic #053 - Loop For Nested Loop
  54. 54- Learn Python in Arabic #054 - Break Continue Pass
  55. 55- Learn Python in Arabic #055 - Loop Advanced Dictionary
  56. 56- Learn Python in Arabic #056 - Function And Return
  57. 57- Learn Python in Arabic #057 - Function Parameters And Arguments
  58. 58- Learn Python in Arabic #058 - Function Packing, Unpacking Arguments
  59. 59- Learn Python in Arabic #059 - Function Default Parameters
  60. 60- Learn Python in Arabic #060 - Function Packing Unpacking Keyword Arguments
  61. 61- Learn Python in Arabic #061 - Function Packing Unpacking Arguments Training's
  62. 62- Learn Python in Arabic #062 - Function Scope
  63. 63- Learn Python in Arabic #063 - Function Recursion
  64. 64- Learn Python in Arabic #064 - Function Lambda
  65. 65- Learn Python in Arabic #065 - Files Handling Part 1 Intro
  66. 66- Learn Python in Arabic #066 - Files Handling Part 2 Read Files
  67. 67- Learn Python in Arabic #067 - Files Handling Part 3 Write and Append In Files
  68. 68- Learn Python in Arabic #068 - Files Handling Part 4 Important Info
  69. 69- Learn Python in Arabic #069 - Built In Functions Part 1
  70. 70- Learn Python in Arabic #070 - Built In Functions Part 2
  71. 71- Learn Python in Arabic #071 - Built In Functions Part 3
  72. 72- Learn Python in Arabic #072 - Built In Functions Part 4 Map
  73. 73- Learn Python in Arabic #073 - Built In Functions Part 5 Filter
  74. 74- Learn Python in Arabic #074 - Built In Functions Part 6 Reduce
  75. 75- Learn Python in Arabic #075 - Built In Functions Part 7
  76. 76- Learn Python in Arabic #076 - Modules Part 1 - Intro And Built In Modules
  77. 77- Learn Python in Arabic #077 - Modules Part 2 - Create Your Module
  78. 78- Learn Python in Arabic #078 - Modules Part 3 - Install External Packages
  79. 79- Learn Python in Arabic #079 - Date And Time Introduction
  80. 80- Learn Python in Arabic #080 - Date And Time Format Date
  81. 81- Learn Python in Arabic #081 - Iterable Vs Iterator
  82. 82- Learn Python in Arabic #082 - Generators
  83. 83- Learn Python in Arabic #083 - Decorators - Intro
  84. 84- Learn Python in Arabic #084 - Decorators - Function With Parameters
  85. 85- Learn Python in Arabic #085 - Decorators - Practical Speed Test
  86. 86- Learn Python in Arabic #086 - Practical Loop On Many Iterators With Zip
  87. 87- Learn Python in Arabic #087 - Practical Image Manipulation With Pillow
  88. 88- Learn Python in Arabic #088 - Docstring And Commenting vs Documenting
  89. 89- Learn Python in Arabic #089 - Installing And Use Pylint For Better Code
  90. 90- Learn Python in Arabic #090 - Errors And Exceptions Raising
  91. 91- Learn Python in Arabic #091 - Exceptions Handling Try, Except, Else, Finally
  92. 92- Learn Python in Arabic #092 - Exceptions Handling Advanced Example
  93. 93- Learn Python in Arabic #093 - Debugging Code
  94. 94- Learn Python in Arabic #094 - Type Hinting
  95. 95- Learn Python in Arabic #095 - Regular Expressions Part 1 Intro
  96. 96- Learn Python in Arabic #096 - Regular Expressions Part 2 Quantifiers
  97. 97- Learn Python in Arabic #097 - Regular Expressions Part 3 Characters Classes Training's
  98. 98- Learn Python in Arabic #098 - Regular Expressions Part 4 Assertions & Email Pattern
  99. 99- Learn Python in Arabic #099 - Regular Expressions Part 5 Logical Or & Escaping
  100. 100- Learn Python in Arabic #100 - Regular Expressions Part 6 Re Module Search & FindAll
  101. 101- Learn Python in Arabic #101 - Regular Expressions Part 7 Re Module Split & Sub
  102. 102- Learn Python in Arabic #102 - Regular Expressions Part 8 Group Training's & Flags
  103. 103- Learn Python in Arabic #103 - OOP Part 1 - Intro
  104. 104- Learn Python in Arabic #104 - OOP Part 2 - Class Syntax And Info
  105. 105- Learn Python in Arabic #105 - OOP Part 3 - Instance Attributes And Methods Part 1
  106. 106- Learn Python in Arabic #106 - OOP Part 4 - Instance Attributes And Methods Part 2
  107. 107- Learn Python in Arabic #107 - OOP Part 5 - Class Attributes
  108. 108- Learn Python in Arabic #108 - OOP Part 6 - Class Methods And Static Methods
  109. 109- Learn Python in Arabic #109 - OOP Part 7 - Magic Methods
  110. 110- Learn Python in Arabic #110 - OOP Part 8 - Inheritance
  111. 111- Learn Python in Arabic #111 - OOP Part 9 - Multiple Inheritance And Method Overriding
  112. 112- Learn Python in Arabic #112 - OOP Part 10 - Polymorphism
  113. 113- Learn Python in Arabic #113 - OOP Part 11 - Encapsulation
  114. 114- Learn Python in Arabic #114 - OOP Part 12 Getters And Setters
  115. 115- Learn Python in Arabic #115 - OOP Part 13 @Property Decorator
  116. 116- Learn Python in Arabic #116 - OOP Part 14 ABCs Abstract Base Class
  117. 117- Learn Python in Arabic #117 - Databases - Intro About Databases
  118. 118- Learn Python in Arabic #118 - Databases - SQLite Create Database And Connect
  119. 119- Learn Python in Arabic #119 - Databases - SQLite Insert Data Into Database
  120. 120- Learn Python in Arabic #120 - Databases - SQLite Retrieve Data From Database
  121. 121- Learn Python in Arabic #121 - Databases - SQLite Training On Everything
  122. 122- Learn Python in Arabic #122 - Databases - SQLite Update And Delete From Database
  123. 123- Learn Python in Arabic #123 - Databases - SQLite Create Skills App Part 1
  124. 124- Learn Python in Arabic #124 - Databases - SQLite Create Skills App Part 2
  125. 125- Learn Python in Arabic #125 - Databases - SQLite Create Skills App Part 3
  126. 126- Learn Python in Arabic #126 - Databases - SQLite Create Skills App Part 4
  127. 127- Learn Python in Arabic #127 - Databases - SQLite Very Important Information
  128. 128- Learn Python in Arabic #128 - Advanced Lessons - __name__ And "__main__"
  129. 129- Learn Python in Arabic #129 - Advanced Lessons - Timing Your Code With Timeit
  130. 130- Learn Python in Arabic #130 - Advanced Lessons - Add Logging To Your Code
  131. 131- Learn Python in Arabic #131 - Advanced Lessons - Unit Testing With Unittest
  132. 132- Learn Python in Arabic #132 - Advanced Lessons - Generate Random Serial Numbers
  133. 133- Learn Python in Arabic #133 - Flask - Intro And Your First Page
  134. 134- Learn Python in Arabic #134 - Flask - Create Html Files
  135. 135- Learn Python in Arabic #135 - Flask - Create And Extends HTML Templates
  136. 136- Learn Python in Arabic #136 - Flask - Jinja Template
  137. 137- Learn Python in Arabic #137 - Flask - Advanced Css Task Using Jinja
  138. 138- Learn Python in Arabic #138 - Flask - Skills Page Using List Data
  139. 139- Learn Python in Arabic #139 - Flask - Customizing App With Css
  140. 140- Learn Python in Arabic #140 - Flask - Adding The JS Files
  141. 141- Learn Python in Arabic #141 - Web Scraping Control Browser With Selenium
  142. 142- Learn Python in Arabic #142 - Numpy - Intro
  143. 143- Learn Python in Arabic #143 - Numpy - Create Arrays
  144. 144- Learn Python in Arabic #144 - Numpy - Compare Data Location And Type
  145. 145- Learn Python in Arabic #145 - Numpy - Compare Performance And Memory Use
  146. 146- Learn Python in Arabic #146 - Numpy - Array Slicing
  147. 147- Learn Python in Arabic #147 - Numpy - Data Types And Control Array
  148. 148- Learn Python in Arabic #148 - Numpy - Arithmetic And Useful Operations
  149. 149- Learn Python in Arabic #149 - Numpy - Array Shape And ReShape
  150. 150- Learn Python in Arabic #150 - Virtual Environment Part 1
  151. 151- Learn Python in Arabic #151 - Virtual Environment Part 2
  152. 152- Learn Python in Arabic #152 - The End And Resources