• رقم الدرس : 76
  • 00:14:37
  • Topic 07, Part 03 - Index Concepts

  • تشغيل

دروس الكورس

  1. 1- Topic 01, Part 01 - The Purpose of a Database
  2. 2- Topic 01, Part 02 - Problems with Storing Data in a List
  3. 3- Topic 01, Part 03 - List Modification Issues
  4. 4- Topic 01, Part 04 - Introduction to Relational Databases
  5. 5- Topic 01, Part 05 - The Purpose and Value of the Structured Query Language (SQL)
  6. 6- Topic 01, Part 06 - An Overview of Database Systems
  7. 7- Topic 01, Part 07 - Users and Databases - Components of a Database System
  8. 8- Topic 01, Part 08 - The DBMS and Database Applications - Components of a Database System
  9. 9- Topic 01, Part 09 - Personal vs. Enterprise-Level Database Systems
  10. 10- Topic 02, Part 01 - Database Entities
  11. 11- Topic 02, Part 02 - Characteristics of Relations
  12. 12- Topic 02, Part 03 - Introduction to Database Keys
  13. 13- Topic 02, Part 04 - Composite Keys
  14. 14- Topic 02, Part 05 - Candidate Keys
  15. 15- Topic 02, Part 06 - Primary Keys and Surrogate Keys
  16. 16- Topic 02, Part 07 - Foreign Keys and Relationships Between Tables
  17. 17- Topic 02, Part 08 - Null Values
  18. 18- Topic 02, Part 09 - Functional Dependencies
  19. 19- Topic 02, Part 10 - Normalization and Normal Forms
  20. 20- Topic 03, Part 01 - Introduction to SQL
  21. 21- Topic 03, Part 02 - Introduction to the SQL CREATE TABLE Statement
  22. 22- Topic 03, Part 03 - Creating Primary Keys and Foreign Keys using SQL
  23. 23- Topic 03, Part 04 - The SQL ALTER Statement
  24. 24- Topic 03, Part 05 - Introduction to the Data Manipulation Language (DML)
  25. 25- Topic 03, Part 06 - Adding Data using the SQL INSERT INTO Statement
  26. 26- Topic 03, Part 07 - Modifying Data using the SQL UPDATE Statement
  27. 27- Topic 03, Part 08 - Deleting Data using the SQL DELETE FROM Statement
  28. 28- Topic 03, Part 09 - Deleting Database Objects and Constraints with the SQL DROP Statement
  29. 29- Topic 03, Part 10 - Using SQL CHECK Constraints
  30. 30- Topic 03, Part 11 - Introduction to SQL SELECT Queries
  31. 31- Topic 03, Part 12 - Using AND and OR to Create Compound Conditions in SQL
  32. 32- Topic 03, Part 13 - Using IN, NOT, and BETWEEN in SQL Queries
  33. 33- Topic 03, Part 14 - Searching Based on Partial Values using the SQL LIKE Statement
  34. 34- Topic 03, Part 15 - Sorting Data in SQL using ORDER BY
  35. 35- Topic 03, Part 16 - Using Numeric Functions in SQL - COUNT, MIN, MAX, SUM, AVG, and STDEV
  36. 36- Topic 03, Part 17 - Using the SQL GROUP BY and HAVING Statements
  37. 37- Topic 03, Part 18 - Using Subqueries in SQL
  38. 38- Topic 03, Part 19 - An Overview of Joins and How to use INNER JOINS in SQL
  39. 39- Topic 03, Part 20 - Using OUTER JOINS in SQL
  40. 40- Topic 03, Part 21 - Creating and using SQL Views
  41. 41- Topic 04, Part 01 - The Stages of Database Development
  42. 42- Topic 04, Part 02 - Entity Classes vs. Entity Instances
  43. 43- Topic 04, Part 03 - Attributes (Columns) and Identifiers (Keys)
  44. 44- Topic 04, Part 04 - Depicting Entities in Entity Relationship Diagrams
  45. 45- Topic 04, Part 05 - Types of Conceptual Relationships in Entity Relationship Models
  46. 46- Topic 04, Part 06 - Conceptual Crow's Foot Relationship Symbols
  47. 47- Topic 04, Part 07 - Binary Relationships and Cardinalities
  48. 48- Topic 04, Part 08 - Crow's Foot Symbols with Cardinalities
  49. 49- Topic 04, Part 09 - Strong vs. Weak Entities
  50. 50- Topic 04, Part 10 - Types of Weak Entities
  51. 51- Topic 04, Part 11 - Supertype and Subtype Entities
  52. 52- Topic 04, Part 12 - Recursive Relationships
  53. 53- Topic 05, Part 01 - Transitioning from a Data Model to a Database
  54. 54- Topic 05, Part 02 - A Review of Normalization
  55. 55- Topic 05, Part 03 - Denormalization
  56. 56- Topic 05, Part 04 - Examples of Denormalization
  57. 57- Topic 05, Part 05 - Considerations for Modeling One-to-One Binary Relationships
  58. 58- Topic 05, Part 06 - Considerations for Modeling One-to-Many Binary Relationships
  59. 59- Topic 05, Part 07 - Considerations for Modeling Many-to-Many Relationships
  60. 60- Topic 05, Part 08 - Implementing and using Recursive Relationships
  61. 61- Topic 06, Part 01 - The Database Processing Environment and Major Database Administration Functions
  62. 62- Topic 06, Part 02 - Introduction to Concurrency Control
  63. 63- Topic 06, Part 03 - Introduction to Database Transactions
  64. 64- Topic 06, Part 04 - The Lost Update Problem
  65. 65- Topic 06, Part 05 - Dirty Reads, Inconsistent Reads, and Phantom Reads
  66. 66- Topic 06, Part 06 - Introduction to Resource Locking
  67. 67- Topic 06, Part 07 - Optimistic vs. Pessimistic Locking
  68. 68- Topic 06, Part 08 - ACID Transactions and Transaction Isolation Levels
  69. 69- Topic 06, Part 09 - Non-Scrollable vs. Scrollable Cursors
  70. 70- Topic 06, Part 10 - Introduction to Database Security
  71. 71- Topic 06, Part 11 - Database Security - Permissions and Roles
  72. 72- Topic 06, Part 12 - Overview of Database Backup and Recovery
  73. 73- Topic 06, Part 13 - Additional DBA Responsibilities
  74. 74- Topic 07, Part 01 - Introduction to Database Indexes
  75. 75- Topic 07, Part 02 - An Intuitive Overview of Database Indexes
  76. 76- Topic 07, Part 03 - Index Concepts
  77. 77- Topic 07, Part 04 - B-Tree Indexes
  78. 78- Topic 07, Part 05 - Clustered vs. Non-Clustered Indexes
  79. 79- Topic 07, Part 06 - Implementing Indexes in SQL Server
  80. 80- Topic 07, Part 07 - Other Types of Indexes
  81. 81- Topic 07, Part 08 - Index Considerations and Guidelines