• Lesson.No : 01
  • 00:06:54
  • Learn Vuejs In Arabic 2023 - 1- Intruduction

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Course Lessons

  1. 1- Learn Vuejs In Arabic 2023 - 1- Intruduction
  2. 2- Learn Vuejs In Arabic 2023 - 2- instalation and data
  3. 3- Learn Vuejs In Arabic 2023 - 3- Methods
  4. 4- Learn Vuejs In Arabic 2023 - 4- Data Binding
  5. 5- Learn Vuejs In Arabic 2023 - 5- Events
  6. 6- Learn Vuejs In Arabic 2023 - 6- Events Modifiers
  7. 7- Learn vuejs in arabic 2023 - 7- Keyboard Events & Modifiers
  8. 8- Learn Vuejs In Arabic 2023 - 8- Two Way Data Binding
  9. 9- Learn Vuejs In Arabic 2023 - 9- Two Way Data Binding Practice
  10. 10- Learn Vuejs In Arabic 2023 - 10- Computed Property
  11. 11- Learn Vuejs In Arabic 2023 - 11- Dynamic Classes & Style
  12. 12- Learn Vuejs In Arabic 2023 - 12- If Conditions & V-Show
  13. 13- Learn Vuejs In Arabic 2023 - 13- Looping Data (V-For)
  14. 14- Learn Vuejs In Arabic 2023 - 14- Looping Data (V-For) Practice
  15. 15- Learn Vuejs In Arabic 2023 - 15- Looping Data (V-For) - Nested Loop
  16. 16- Learn Vuejs In Arabic 2023 - 16- Multiple Vue Instances
  17. 17- Learn Vuejs In Arabic 2023 - 17- Refs
  18. 18- Learn Vuejs In Arabic 2023 - 18- Components (Big Intro)
  19. 19- Learn Vuejs In Arabic 2023 - 19- Vue-CLI (Installation)
  20. 20- Learn Vuejs In Arabic 2023 - 20- Vue-CLI (Project Files)
  21. 21- Learn Vuejs In Arabic 2023 - 21- Vue-Cli (Views & Routes)
  22. 22- Learn Vuejs In Arabic 2023 - 22- Vue-Cli (Components part one)
  23. 23- Learn Vuejs In Arabic 2023 - 23- Vue-cli (Components part two)
  24. 24- Learn Vuejs In Arabic 2023 - 24- Vue-Cli (Scoped && Lang)
  25. 25- Learn Vuejs in Arabic 2023 - 25- Vue-Cli (Props)
  26. 26- Learn Vuejs In Arabic 2023 - 26- Vue Cli (Primitive Data Type VS Reference Data tybe)
  27. 27- Learn Vuejs in Arabic 2023 - 27- Vue Cli (Events Emit)
  28. 28- Learn Vuejs in Arabic 2023 - 28- Vue Cli (Component Lifecycle Hooks)
  29. 29- Learn Vuejs In Arabic 2023 - 29- Vue Cli (Slot)
  30. 30- Learn Vuejs In Arabic 2023 - 30- Vue Cli (Toggle Components && Keep data)
  31. 31- Learn Vuejs In Arabic 2023 - 31- Vue Cli (V-Model Part One)
  32. 32- Learn Vuejs In Arabic 2023 - 32- Vue Cli (V Model Part Two)
  33. 33- Learn Vuejs In Arabic 2023 - 33- Vue-Cli (V-Model Part Three)
  34. 34- Learn Vuejs In arabic 2023 - 34- Vue-Cli (Http Requests part One)
  35. 35- Learn Vuejs in Arabic 2023 - 35- Vue-Cli (Http Requests part Two)
  36. 36- Learn Vuejs In Arabic 2023 - 36- Vue Cli (Custom Directives Part One)
  37. 37- Learn Vuejs In Arabic 2023 - 37- Vue-Cli (Custom Directives Part Two)
  38. 38- Learn Vuejs In Arabic 2023 - 38- Vue-Cli (Mixins)
  39. 39- Learn Vuejs In Arabic 2023 - 39- Vue-Cli (Computed)
  40. 40- Learn Vuejs In Arabic 2023 - 40- Vue-Cli (Vue-Router & Create Route)
  41. 41- Learn Vuejs In Arabic 2023 - 41- Vue-Cli (Vue-Router & Router Link)
  42. 42- Learn Vuejs In Arabic 2023 - 42- Vue-Cli (Vue-Router & Hash Mood vs History Mood)
  43. 43- Learn Vuejs In Arabic 2023 - 43- Vue-Cli (Vue-Router & Push Function)
  44. 44- Learn Vuejs In Arabic 2023 - 44- Vue-Cli (Vue-Router & Options)
  45. 45- Learn Vuejs In Arabic 2023 - 45- Vue-Cli (Vue-Router & Go Function)
  46. 46- Learn Vuejs In Arabic 2023 - 46- Vue-Cli (Vue-Router & Replace Function)
  47. 47- Learn Vuejs In Arabic 2023 - 47- Vue-Cli (Vue-Router & hasRoute Function)
  48. 48- Learn Vuejs In Arabic 2023 -48- Vue-cli (Vue-Router & beforeEach - afterEach Functions)
  49. 49- Learn Vuejs In Arabic 2023 - 49- Vue-Cli (Route Object)
  50. 50- Learn Vuejs In Arabic 2023 - 50- Vue-Cli (Route & Dynamic Route - Params)
  51. 51- Learn Vuejs In Arabic 2023 - 51- Vue-Cli (Route & Query)
  52. 52- Learn Vuejs In Arabic 2023 - 52- Vue-Cli (Route & Params - Query Advanced Example)
  53. 53- Learn Vuejs In Arabic 2023 - 53- Vue-Cli (Route & Nested Routes)
  54. 54- Learn Vuejs In Arabic 2023 - 54- Vue-Cli (Route & Page Not Found)
  55. 55- Learn Vuejs In Arabic 2023 - 55- Vue-Cli (Watchers)
  56. 56- Learn Vuejs In Arabic 2023 - 56- Vue-Cli (Provide & Inject)
  57. 57- Learn Vuejs In Arabic 2023 - 57- Event Bus
  58. 58- Learn Vuejs in Arabic 2023 - 58- End Of The Course