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فيديو شرح Jenkins Beginner Tutorial 8 - Jenkins integration with GIT (SCM) ضمن كورس Jenkins شرح قناة Automation Step by Step، الفديو رقم 8 مجانى معتمد اونلاين
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Watch this video more more information on Jenkins + Git - http://bit.ly/2RL408z
Hi, I am Raghav and today we will learn:
Jenkins Beginner Tutorial 8 - Jenkins integration with GIT (SCM)
1. Create a java program and run it through command line
2. Create a Jenkins job to run the java program
3. Add this program/project to Git
4. Jenkins - add git plugin
5. Configure Jenkins job to trigger the execution when a change is pushed to GitHub
Step 1 : Create a java program
Step 2 : Compile from command line
javac “name of .java class”
java “name of class without extension .java”
Step 3 : Create a Jenkins job to run this program
Step 4 : Add the project to Git and GitHub
For Reference:
Git and GitHub Beginner Tutorial 1 - Introduction - https://youtu.be/-U-eUHI6euM?listPLhW3qG5bs-L8OlICbNX9u4MZ3rAt5c5GG
Git and GitHub Beginner Tutorial 2 - Getting started - Install Git (mac) - https://youtu.be/0Icla6TVNNo?listPLhW3qG5bs-L8OlICbNX9u4MZ3rAt5c5GG
Git and GitHub Beginner Tutorial 3 - Getting started - Install Git windows - https://youtu.be/sBTAkHOxvOk?listPLhW3qG5bs-L8OlICbNX9u4MZ3rAt5c5GG
Step 5 : Configure Jenkins job to trigger build on Git commit
Note : If you get :
'javac' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
Try this:
When creating a new item in Jenkins, you can choose the jdk in the General tab (execute multiple builds if necessary option), either you click on System or the jdk that you have installed on that moment (e.g. jdk1.8.0_181).
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